  1. Uターン
  2. 幼稚園
  3. 高卒

Dressing room at HP Phoenix

After you unlock access to the Abandoned Citadel (after defeating the boss), you can move into this biome directly from the Overgrown Ruins. To do this, you need to get into an area with a high platform. Selena will be able to use a capture weapon on him. This path leads to the third biome, and from now on you will not have to visit the second biome at all.
After defeating the boss of the fourth biome and getting a Broken Calibrator, Selena will be able to get into the fifth biome. You can skip the fight with Hyperion. The character has yet to go through most of the Echo Ruins and pass through the big red gate. Instead of climbing into the boss's lair, you can immediately use the side corridor leading to the portal to the Split Wastelands.
From the fourth biome to the sixth
After obtaining the skill "Hadal Ballast" in the sixth biome (shoes for walking underwater), the main character can quickly get to the Deep Scar.
Dressing room
Take a look at the post-match analysis screen. The game will calculate your advantages and disadvantages.
The green color means that the goal of the first team was achieved thanks to your good play. Unsuccessful goals are marked with a red cross. You get extra points by scoring goals and evaluating the final rating of the match. Now the XP indicator should be filled with blue. Having reached 100% of the bar, our player gains the next level of his experience. Each level is also rewarded with bonuses. Now distribute the points between the skills.
The next window is the clean statistics menu. Find the reason for the lost match and the poor performance. Are you being too harsh towards your teammates? Are you driving the ball too much?
Talk to her. Now you have to decide what you want to do with it. Before moving forward, you have to take the responsibility of painting off the wall.Different tactics settings affect the style of team play. The rapid transition from a defensive position to an all-out attack surprises the enemy. In addition, you should train a change of style to a defensive one.
Press 5 to select the offensive game. All your players are taking a few steps forward. It's time to change the details of tactics. Save Lord Arhu and defend yourself from the Black Ring. Linder Kemm himself will also join the fight. Reward: 827,900 experience points. Heavy metals, rare earth elements (x2), Turian insignia. About a third of ticks carry this infection. However, these are two completely different diseases. オンラインカジノ アフィリエイト の Web サイトでは、アフィリエイト プログラムを通じて収益を上げるために必要なすべてのリソースを提供しています。信頼できるオンライン カジノから最高のオファーを選択するための詳細なレビューとアドバイスを提供します。当社の専門家が条件、手数料率、ボーナス制度を分析し、最も収益性の高いプログラムの選択をお手伝いします。私たちの推奨事項に従って、アフィリエイト プログラムで効果的にお金を稼ぎ、収入を増やす方法を見つけてください。
