  1. Uターン
  2. 幼稚園
  3. 高卒

Money and motivation

Money cannot be ignored when it comes to motivation.

Money is important in the form of wages, prizes, bonuses, or any other material benefits offered to work in incentive compensation systems. Money is often more than money, and should be reflected in this when it comes to motivation. Money is important for a number of reasons: they serve to buy goods and services, therefore they have economic value; I am a symbol of a certain status that has social value for their owner, both in the situation when he receives them and in the one in which he spends them; for employees, money represents what the employer thinks and thinks about them; Money is a relative indicator of comparing the status of one employee with the status of other employees.

Economists and many managers tend to place money at one of the top places in the motivation hierarchy, while behavioral scientists put money at lower places. Probably none of these views are true. If we recognize that money is a motivating factor, then managers need to remember a few things.

First of all, money seems to be much more important for young people, especially for those who start a family, than for the "old" ones, whose need for money is not so urgent. Money is a means to urgently achieve a minimum standard of living. At the same time, for some people, money will always be of paramount importance, while for others it will never be important.

Secondly, in practical life, it was emphasized that in most companies money is used to attract and maintain competent staff, and not as a motivating factor. When determining wages, the levels practiced in competing companies cannot be ignored if we want to retain people (especially valuable ones).

Thirdly, the fact that the goal is to ensure fair wages, that is, approximately the same compensation for employees (managers) at comparable hierarchical levels, contributes to reducing the motivational nature of money. This practice is quite understandable as long as people evaluate the compensation they receive compared to what their "equals" receive. And, as Hertzberg's conditions have shown, money thus acts as a hygiene factor, not as a source of motivation. For money to be an effective motivator, people, even at the same hierarchical level, must receive salaries and prizes in accordance with their individual results.

Is this possible in all cases without creating management problems, especially where it is not possible or impossible to set very precise standards of staff performance?

Finally, money can only be motivated if the stipulated additional payment is high enough compared to the person's current income. A significant increase in salaries and bonuses (up to 5%), as a rule, does not motivate the recipient. Such an increase can prevent dissatisfaction and probably argue that it does not motivate the employee. 最高のオンラインカジノをお探しですか?すべての好みに合わせてさまざまなゲームを提供する bsc.news/post/oncasi-recommend で最高のスロットとエキサイティングなライブディーラーゲームをお楽しみください。私たちは最新のデータ保護技術を活用し、ゲームの結果をランダムにすることで、すべてのプレイヤーが安全な環境でエキサイティングなゲームを楽しむことができます。今日、オンラインカジノは楽しさとお金を稼ぐための人気の方法になりました。オンラインカジノは、自宅で快適にお気に入りのギャンブルゲームを楽しむ機会を提供します。便利で安価で安全です。フレンドリーなゲームの雰囲気に参加し、高品質のグラフィックと大きな勝利の機会をお楽しみください。今日の勝利を開始し、幸運とエンターテイメントの世界を発見!
