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Batman: Arkham Knight Walkthrough - Secrets: Blake Island No. 1

1 - Trophy 1

The trophy is located under the bridge leading to the ACE Chemicals factory. You can assemble it without using gadgets.

2 - Trophy 2

The trophy is located inside one of the buildings. Find the large entrance to the building and go inside. You can get a trophy without using gadgets.

3 - Trophy 3

The trophy is located inside one of the buildings next to the water and is blocked by a weakened wall. The only way to break this wall is to use the batmobile. Use the batmobile to get to the road leading to the ACE Chemicals factory. Stop to the west of the collectible and encounter a weakened wall. Use the batmobile's weapons to destroy the wall, and then slide to this place to get to the trophy.

4 - Trophy 4

The trophy is located inside a large cage with an electrified floor. You won't be able to get to it on your own, and instead you'll have to use the voice synthesizer on the Riddler robot standing next to the cage (don't let the machine see you!). Order the robot to enter the cage, get to the trophy and pick it up. Remove yourself from the machine's field of view and order it to leave the cage with the collectible. Now you can attack the robot and take the trophy.

5 - Trophy 5

You have to reach an area with two containers. Use the batarang on the left question mark so that the containers are raised. You can enter the building and use the batcave to get a trophy. A group of robots will appear near the exit. Don't attack them, but instead throw a remote-controlled batarang. Make the batarang leave the building and turn it over. Click the correct question mark to make the containers fall and destroy the robots.

6 - Trophy 6

Find the pulsating button and activate the batmobile's forensic scanner. Start following the green question marks and they will lead you to the base of the bridge. Stay in the battle mode of the batmobile and go around the building to get to the bridge. Keep following the question marks. You will get to the two towers and inspect the part of the structure that unites them. Shoot at the green area and use the hook to get to the hole in the wall.

7 - Trophy 7

The trophy is located inside a compartment in the wall of the building. Stop your batmobile nearby, find an interactive hitch and use an electric winch to pull out the container. Now you can get out of the batmobile and get the collectible. http://www.bsc.news/post/online-casino-ranking-2024/ でエキサイティングなギャンブルの世界を発見しましょう!スロット、ルーレット、カードゲームなど、最高のオンラインカジノゲームをプレイして、大勝利のチャンスを掴みましょう。カジノ・オンラインプラットフォームは、ハイクオリティなグラフィックとユーザーフレンドリーなインターフェースを提供し、お客様のゲームタイムを忘れられないものにします。今すぐサインアップしてプレイを開始し、運を試し、比類のないボーナスとプロモーションをお楽しみください!快適で安全な環境でプレイと勝利をお楽しみいただけるよう、最高のオンラインカジノ体験を提供することを目指しています。
