One of the important advantages of ceramic tiles is the fact that it does not require special care. Ceramic tile is a very hygienic facing material, from which dirt and dust are easily and quickly washed off.
Tile care can be reduced to some fairly simple rules. And if you stick to them, then it will remain clean and beautiful for many years.
The use of various household cleaning products depends on the class of chemical resistance of the tile. But in any case, it is better not to resort to aggressive acid chemistry. For washing tiles, there is a special tool on sale, which should be used. To eliminate unpleasant odors, you can use a deodorizing agent, which includes active bioenzymes.
In order not to think about how to wipe off the ingrained fat, it is better to wipe the tile surface with a damp sponge every few days.
Tiles with a glossy surface require especially careful care. It can only be washed with the soft side of a sponge or cloth. The use of powdered cleaning agents is also prohibited. Any coarse abrasive and its mechanical impact will sooner or later leave unpleasant scratches and scuffs on a perfectly smooth glassy shiny surface.
The weak point is not the tile itself, but its seams, especially if they are not treated with a sealant and filled with a light cement-based grout. Here they are just the most afraid of the most aggressive acidic household chemicals. As mentioned above, it is better to use special means for washing tiles, which carefully treat the inter-tile seams.
Also, modern methods of tile care include coating its surface with a protective sealant. This procedure is carried out once a year, and helps to keep the tile as long as possible the appearance that it has immediately after repair.
What should be avoided in the care of ceramic tiles:
• Do not use products with pronounced pigmentation. This is especially true for tiles with an unglazed surface and light-colored interlayer seams.
• Abrasive powders that leave micro-scratches on the surface of ceramics are prohibited.
• Liquid soap is also not recommended to use because of the large amount of fat in its composition. Otherwise, unpleasant stains may remain after washing.
Also, it is advisable to immediately wash off the stains left by ink, coffee, fat, blood or colored dye from the tile surface.